
Bus stop

There are several bus stations in Traben-Trarbach from which regular bus connections are offered to the surrounding towns and communities as well as the wider region. Here are some of the main bus stations in Traben-Trarbach:

Rissbach bus station:

directly in front of the campsite in Rissbach there is a bus stop that goes to the central bus station in Traben-Trarbach several times a day. The central bus station of Traben-Trarbach is located near the train station (1.5 km from the campsite) and is an important transport hub for public transport in the city. Regular buses run from here to various destinations in the region.

Moselle promenade:

There is also a bus station on the Moselle promenade, which is served by several bus lines. This is a popular area for tourists and visitors as it offers beautiful views of the Moselle and is close to many restaurants, shops and attractions.

Exact bus schedules and frequency may vary depending on the route and time of day. However, there are usually regular connections to the surrounding towns and communities as well as to other places along the Moselle. 

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