
Moezel thermal baths

The Moseltherme in Traben-Trarbach offers an indoor and outdoor pool and a sauna area. The thermal water bubbles up from the ground at 35 degrees. The leisure pool in Kröv, Moselort in 5 KM. distance, has a 25-meter swimming pool, a non-swimmers' pool, a water slide and a large outdoor area, as well as a covered children's pool. A free entry ticket is available for our campers. At the campsite you can splash around in the Moselle from the jetty and use the campsite's own heated pool. There is a swimming pool for large campers and a play pool for smaller campers.

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Camping Rissbach

Are you convinced yet? Book your holiday quickly online in one of the most romantic regions in the world.

We wish you a warm welcome!

Season 2025: 11-04-2025 to 04-01-2026

Rissbacherstraße 155
+49 6541 3111